Friday, August 15, 2008

Breaking Dawn Tour concert in Chicago 8/5/08

I know that I'm a week late in reporting about the awesome Breaking Dawn Concert/Signing with Stephenie Meyer, but late is better than never, right?

Needless to say, the concert and signing was awesome. It took place on August 5, 2008 at the Harris Theater in Chicago. The event was sold out. Approximately, 1,525 people attended the event. Twilight fans took the place by storm. I don't think Harris Theater expected such a huge turn out. People started to show up as early as 4:30pm, even though the doors of the theater didn't open until 6pm.

Here's what the lines looked like at 4:50pmish and then at 5:30pmish. As you can see, these fans were prepared with home-made t-shirts and their books in hand:

The event was MC'ed by Electra by Q101's Electra. The covers of the books were the background setting of the stage along with a sofa at the center. Electra introduced Justin Furstenfeld, leader singer of Blue October, who played some songs acoustically. Blue October has several songs that are on Stephenie Meyer's playlist for her books. He was fantastic. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of Blue October before the concert, but I definitely wanted to pick up their albums after the concert.

Justin performed the songs that were on the Twilight Saga playlist as well as some unreleased songs from Blue October's upcoming album. After Justin's performance, Electra and Stephenie started the Question and Answer session of the show. A good friend of mine has a transcript of the Q&A in case anyone is interested. Unfortunately, her website is down but I will update the blog with that info. After the Q&A, Stephenie brought out Justin to join her onstage. Stephenie explained the significance of music and how it inspires her to write. Justin played the hit single "Hate Me" and an unreleased title, "My Never", that had me all choked up :