By Rob Thomas
Steve York used to be a model student, but something changed. Now he’s in his senior year and won’t be able to graduate because he’s missing an English credit. Steve’s counselor makes him a deal; if he can write a hundred pages of “something” by the end of the year, he can graduate. The “something” Steve chooses to write about is his high school life thus far.
Steve York used to be a model student, but something changed. Now he’s in his senior year and won’t be able to graduate because he’s missing an English credit. Steve’s counselor makes him a deal; if he can write a hundred pages of “something” by the end of the year, he can graduate. The “something” Steve chooses to write about is his high school life thus far.
The book switches between the “present” time of Steve’s senior year and the “past” of his sophomore and junior years at a different school. During sophomore year, Steve starts hanging out with Doug. Doug has an ongoing bet with his parents to appear in a school club yearbook photo. So to fulfill the bet that year, Doug and Steve form a Dada art club called GOD. One of club members is Wendy or “Dub” as they call her. Steve and Dub hit it off and form an inseparable couple… for a while. Their split seems to be why Steve exiles himself to his mother’s house in California for his senior year. But that’s not all there is to it. There’s always another side to the story. Check it out and fill in the details for yourself, details like, what the heck does the title mean anyway?