By Kate Thompson
Bobby likes to steal cars and go joyriding. He also likes to steal iPods and other gadgets to sell. He and his friends use the money to buy drugs and alcohol. This is Bobby’s life in Dublin and Bobby thinks it’s a pretty good one. So, he’s not too happy when his mother packs him and his little brother, Dennis, up to go live in the country. He’s not too worried, though. He doesn’t plan on staying long.
The new place seems okay, but boring. The people seem nice, but are a little strange and act a little mysterious about the previous tenants of their new home. The last guy disappeared, but that’s not the weirdest part. The landlord’s mother tells them that they need to leave a bowl of milk out every night, for the fairy.
Bobby and his mother brush off the advice and think nothing of it until Bobby finds Dennis awake in the middle of the night, talking about visiting with a tiny old woman. Could it be true? Could there really be a fairy that comes into their home every night? Bobby doesn’t think so, but the more he learns about the house and who used to live there, the more he’s sure he wants to go back to Dublin and back to the life he used to have. To see how Bobby and his family deal with the strangeness of their new home, check out Creature of the Night from the LFHS library.