Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Answer is Always Yes

by Monica Ferrell


What does it mean to be cool? Can you decide one day that you're going to be cool? Can you rebuild your personality, start over from scratch, and make yourself one of the cool people? If you study what the cool folks are doing and emulate their styles, will they accept you?


These are the questions that Matt faces as he heads off to NYU for his freshman year of college. He's spent the summer finding the "right" clothes and made sure he's found the "right" places to hang out. But what happens when he puts theory into practice?


It doesn't go well, at least not right away. His first impression with his dorm roommates goes horribly wrong and his dorm counselor hands him a pamphlet on homesickness. His pre-planned "cool" outfits don't go over very well either. Matt does make his first friend, Jason, because of his shoes, but not for the right reasons


Things start to go a little better for Matt when he meets Sophie, a sophomore from Lake Forest, Illinois (weird, right?). She and Jason help Matt feel a little better about himself and they form a nice little trio. One night they find themselves at a very trendy club and Matt finds his way into the VIP area where he is approached by the club's owner, Vic. Vic thinks Matt has potential and invites him to be one of the club's promoters. Everything seems to be going Matt's way, but what happens when you get everything you think you want? Will it go to Matt's head or can he walk the fine line between his life at school and his new life at the club


Check The Answer is Always Yes out from the LFHS library to see what happens!

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