Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Creature of the Night

By Kate Thompson
Bobby likes to steal cars and go joyriding. He also likes to steal iPods and other gadgets to sell. He and his friends use the money to buy drugs and alcohol. This is Bobby’s life in Dublin and Bobby thinks it’s a pretty good one. So, he’s not too happy when his mother packs him and his little brother, Dennis, up to go live in the country. He’s not too worried, though. He doesn’t plan on staying long.
The new place seems okay, but boring. The people seem nice, but are a little strange and act a little mysterious about the previous tenants of their new home. The last guy disappeared, but that’s not the weirdest part. The landlord’s mother tells them that they need to leave a bowl of milk out every night, for the fairy.
Bobby and his mother brush off the advice and think nothing of it until Bobby finds Dennis awake in the middle of the night, talking about visiting with a tiny old woman. Could it be true? Could there really be a fairy that comes into their home every night? Bobby doesn’t think so, but the more he learns about the house and who used to live there, the more he’s sure he wants to go back to Dublin and back to the life he used to have. To see how Bobby and his family deal with the strangeness of their new home, check out Creature of the Night from the LFHS library.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Luke, it is your Destiny

Do you know how to use the LFHS library online card catalog? It's called Destiny Card Catalog and you can access it at the library (you know, on those last two computers on the main level that you use to check your email even though you know you aren't supposed to...) or from anywhere through the library's web page. You can use Destiny Card Catalog to look up fiction and non-fiction books, audiobooks, and lots of other resource material as well.

But is that all Destiny Card Catalog does? No way! Destiny Card Catalog gives you, the student, the opportunity to interact with the catalog and leave your mark here at the LFHS library. You can make book lists and even write reviews that show up in the catalog for all of your classmates to see. Tell us what you liked and what you didn't. Tell us why you liked a book, or why you thought it was awful. When you're looking for a new book to read, it often helps to see what your friends and other classmates think about it.

So, how do you sign up for this feature? On the upper right side of the Destiny Card Catalog search page, click on "Create Account"

Then enter your last name and your barcode number. That number is "P" plus your ID number. For some students there is a space between the "P" and the ID number and for some there is not. Try it both ways. If you have trouble, find one of the library staff members to help you.

After that, all you have to do is log in to your account and you're ready to go.

To write a review, first find the book you want to review and click "Reviews" on the upper right, then click "Add Review" and start writing! When you're done, save it and it'll go to one of our staff members to check over before it goes "live" on the catalog. Have fun with it, but inappropriate language and other abuse will, of course, not be tolerated.

So get out there and review something! And if you find that you like reviewing books or writing about your reading experiences, why not write for the Page Turner? Email us with your reviews or other ideas

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Going Bovine

By Libba Bray
It’s not every day you see a talking yard gnome or a punk angel with pink hair. You probably haven’t had to save the universe from black holes and fire giants either. But you’re not Cameron Smith and you probably don’t have Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, otherwise known as the human form of Mad Cow Disease.
The disease is slowly turning Cameron’s brain into Swiss cheese and the doctors don’t give him very long to live. But what if the doctors are wrong? What if it’s not CJ (Mad Cow) at all? This is where the angel comes in. Dulcie, the angel, visits Cameron in his hospital room and tries to explain to him that something is eating his brain, but it’s not what the doctors think. It’s something much worse that won’t stop at Cameron’s brain. It will destroy the universe and only Cameron can stop it. But he’ll need some help. Dulcie suggests that Cameron bring along Gonzo, the guy in the next hospital bed.
So begins their adventure to save the universe and find the mysterious Dr. X and play jazz and rescue a short, wooden Norse god and be on a spring break TV show and locate a time-travelling pop group and… well, all sorts of crazy things. It’s a wild ride and you can join in by checking out Going Bovine from the LFHS library!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Maze Runner

By James Dashner

He arrives in a box without any memories except his name and a vague feeling that he’d been here before. His name is Thomas, but everybody is calling him “Greenie” as in, the new guy. They’re all kids and they’re all boys. One new boy arrives each month, Thomas being the newest. Each boy has a job to do and now they have to find something for Thomas to do as well.

After learning about the different job possibilities, Thomas decides he wants to be a runner. He needs to be a runner. He can just feel it. But newbies can’t be runners. Being a runner is the most dangerous job you can have in this place, whatever this place is. They all call it the Glade. From what he’s learned so far, Thomas begins to understand that outside of the Glade’s walls is a maze. Every day, the walls open up and the runners take off into the maze with the task of mapping out the maze’s twists and turns. The job sounds simple enough, except for the fact that the maze changes every day. The walls of the maze move. Despite their best efforts, the runners have yet to find the exit to the maze. Some in the Glade doubt they ever will.

The day after Thomas arrives, everything changes. Another person has come through the box. They’ve never had two kids come through the box on consecutive days. But that’s not the strangest part. This kid is a girl.

So what does it all mean? Is this girl somehow linked to Thomas? Just like he feels he needs to be a runner, Thomas also feels like he knows this girl. Is Thomas special? Is being special a good thing in the Glade? Check out The Maze Runner from the LFHS library to find out!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's a new year and it's cold! It's a great time to knock out a bunch of books! This month we'll be tackling books about giant mazes that change their paths and adventures with mad cow disease and other fun and weird stuff like that.

Have something to say? Leave a comment! But what if you have something to say about a different book? Why don't you write your own review?! Write something up and send it to and we'll add it to the blog. If you'd rather talk about a book, we can have you do a video or podcast review. It's your blog, LFHS, take charge!