Thursday, January 21, 2010

Luke, it is your Destiny

Do you know how to use the LFHS library online card catalog? It's called Destiny Card Catalog and you can access it at the library (you know, on those last two computers on the main level that you use to check your email even though you know you aren't supposed to...) or from anywhere through the library's web page. You can use Destiny Card Catalog to look up fiction and non-fiction books, audiobooks, and lots of other resource material as well.

But is that all Destiny Card Catalog does? No way! Destiny Card Catalog gives you, the student, the opportunity to interact with the catalog and leave your mark here at the LFHS library. You can make book lists and even write reviews that show up in the catalog for all of your classmates to see. Tell us what you liked and what you didn't. Tell us why you liked a book, or why you thought it was awful. When you're looking for a new book to read, it often helps to see what your friends and other classmates think about it.

So, how do you sign up for this feature? On the upper right side of the Destiny Card Catalog search page, click on "Create Account"

Then enter your last name and your barcode number. That number is "P" plus your ID number. For some students there is a space between the "P" and the ID number and for some there is not. Try it both ways. If you have trouble, find one of the library staff members to help you.

After that, all you have to do is log in to your account and you're ready to go.

To write a review, first find the book you want to review and click "Reviews" on the upper right, then click "Add Review" and start writing! When you're done, save it and it'll go to one of our staff members to check over before it goes "live" on the catalog. Have fun with it, but inappropriate language and other abuse will, of course, not be tolerated.

So get out there and review something! And if you find that you like reviewing books or writing about your reading experiences, why not write for the Page Turner? Email us with your reviews or other ideas

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